Ladies And Gentlemen, allow me to introduce to my new labor of lobe: The Nearlywed Report. This is a quarterly column now appearing in Las Vegas Bride magazine. Summer 2009 was the debut piece and I am quite proud of it. Mark, the owner/publisher of LVB was kind enough to take a chance on my writing and give me some space in the column. I hope you all enjoy it, I hope that you Las Vegas Brides follow along and share your planning sagas along with me!
~The Nearlywed
~The Nearlywed

Congratulations! You are engaged. You’ve gone from being a girlfriend to a fiancée in a matter of four words. In just a few quick months -or longer- you will transform from a fiancée into a wife, your new title from that day forward. There is a long path to take in the journey of “I will” to “I do”; the planning, the budgeting, the idea generating, the dress and how to make sense of it all without losing yourself. If you are like me or other nearlyweds who I’ve encountered, our burning question is not “when is the date?” but “where do I begin???”
You are now The Bride. It is time to dust off the bridal magazines that have been hibernating under your bed and rip out the dog-eared pages, the post-it flagged pages and the new pages that, all of the sudden catch your eye. Ideas run rampant through your head, you scribble on your hand while at work, you text yourself just so that you don’t forget. Color palettes? Yes, you’ve been to your local hardware store to pick up endless amounts of paint swatches. Call it crazy, beautiful bride, but you are not alone.
The mind of a bride endlessly overflows with images, ideas and visions of their special day. Where oh where should one house these contents of the complex bridal mind? Two words: The Binder. The organizational tool that is a must have for every bride. You know you want one, if you don’t already have one, your best friend had two and your matron of honor is willing to bequeath hers down to you. Whatever organizational tool you decide to use for wedding planning, keep it on your person at most times as you will find that inspiration for your wedding is going to come in many forms, at random places and times.
Wedding planning may take over your world, temporarily, but this one little tool will make it easier to take a breather and enjoy the ride! For more of The Nearylwed Report, visit