They have been stuffed (thanks, Flo), stamped (thanks, Flo), labeled (thanks, Flo) and sealed (thanks, me!). And Today, Flo dropped them at the Post Office. I wanted to be there taking a photo…but since today is my turn to pay the bills, I had to go to work. So instead, here is a photo of them.
This was definitely a team effort once we received them via UPS. Flo and I collectively, stuffed, hand addressed, made the mailing labels, stamped, labeled and glued them shut! Getting all of the addresses was less than easy. For some reason, I ended up with about 10 of the Groom’s side not having an address. We had to practically harass MIL to get these addresses for us. It wasn’t her, though, she’s been harassing the guests. What? You don’t want to be invited? Sweet- I can use some extra space on the guest list! Speaking of… in reviewing our STD list, MIL added one more name! Ahhh!!!!!! The guest list is still about 50 over where we wanted it but have pretty much stuck a straw in and sucked it up.
Once again, these were designed by Ellie who also had them printed and shipped out to us. We had ordered 100 card and 100 envelopes. We ran out of envelopes but still have cards left! HA! I hand addressed them. However, my hand moves faster than my brain, so some states were abbreviated. Some said Mr. So and So and Ms. Such and Such. The woman’s name always goes first. And no “and” is needed between two lines. I had to Google “addressing etiquette” as we have some doctors, some people who are married and kept their own name, some people who are divorced, widowed, attorneys, etc. For the invites, I am leaving the addressing up to the pros. That is way too stressful to tackle on my own.
So it begins- the STDs are in the mail (no, they did not come with penicillin) and we are fully underway with planning.
Sometimes, I look at the calendar and think that nine months is still a ton of months away, then I log onto my wedding website drug and see other brides who are “date twins” starting to make lists and get everything in order and buy things. Am I slacking or do I just know that it isn’t stress out time? A little of both, I presume.
My wedding map is in progress and now that I’ve gotten the hang of it, it is quite fun. Stay tuned for my next post where I talk about the DIY wedding map.
I saw your final on the blog last time and its soooooo cute. Ellie did a great job but at the same time you and Flo just rocked the looks!
Man I wish my sister was as organized as you. She's getting married in Jan and nothing is done besides the booking of the reception hall and church. Oh, and I booked her bridal shower venue.....
Contact her. Help her. She won't listen to me! LOL
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