We did our first tasting last nite at a new, cute little place called Gimme Some Sugar. Both Kristen and Miranda are fun, creative and full of energy! There are people that you can instantly click with and there are those where it takes time. This was instant! We tried three flavors- a chocolate, a white and a red! J But they are more than just white, chocolate and red… however, I am keeping the flavors a surprise. We may want to do one more tasting and change up the white, I am not sure.
Cake tasting is awesome, so is Gimme Some Sugar….but I hope it’s not the last tasting that we do!
Here is the inspiration for our cake. The realization will be kept secret until after the wedding! SUSPENSE!

.photos were taken fromvarious websites, my apologies for not listing proper credits. If this is your cake or work, please let me know.
I think its because of the colours that I like but the 6th picture is my favorite by far! Gorgeous!!!
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