I’ve already heard tons of horror stories on guest lists and RSVPs…. And thought that, for some reason, we would be exempt from any drama. Ummm…no! Our final invites were sent out in two rounds: the first round went out in January for our OOT guests. The second round went out in February for our in-town guests and for our family who has already told us that they would be coming to the wedding (some even booked rooms already!)
With two or three days left until the RSVP deadline, we were still missing almost half of the replies! So between my FMIL, Mr. Nearlywed, my mother and I, we had to make a ton of phone calls. Some people never even answered our phone calls and some said yes they will come and some, although they turned in their RSVP with a Yes or a No, some have already called to change their mind.
PEOPLE! This isn’t a carnival. This is an expensive event, where we are paying for each and every one of you to be there with us. If you RSVP no and then say yes, we are short. If you RSVP yes and then change your mind, we have already paid for you and it is rude. If you are family and have not responded to any one of the three phone calls that we’ve made, then it is rude. There, if I could say that to everyone, I would be so much happier.
I have to admit, I am really panicked about the guest list, STILL. Although we’ve written off the non responders and have heard from most people, I’d be lying if I said that the list makes me comfortable.

Oh, I am so sorry for you. People really are idiots. Some family members think they don't have to RSVP. Friends think it's not a big deal.
I feel for you! I had the SAME nonsense. And guess what? It will continue right up until the wedding day. My advice? Just try to roll with it. That's really all you can do.
Call me crazy but when I was in your situation, as a knottie we had a back up plan. We actually had a 'knottie table' of people who were internet friends who came and filled out the tables. I mean hey, we were paying for it anyway and if our friends/family didn't respond or come, our knottie friends would lol!
I had about 5 internet buds at my wedding :)
But I agree with you...people don't understand how stressful it is to the bride and groom when they don't RSVP.
Glad I am not alone. I am currently in freak out mode because of my bridal shower. We invited 86 people and have heard from about 32 people, the RSVP date is Sunday and my mom needs the final count next Wednesday. My MOH is going to start calling people on Monday, but this is redic.
Oh man. What a bummer. Our RSVP date is this Friday the 5th. So far, we have 131 yeses, 13 nos and 82 people who have yet to respond. With only two days until the RSVP date, I have a feeling I'll be sending out a mass e-mail to the 82 suckers who are too freaking lazy to drop a card in the mail! I know there are a few who really want to come from out of state and are waiting until the last minute to see if it can happen or not, but like you said, people are just so rude about what goes into paying for and planning for a wedding.
I had some family members completely cancel on us. Not even a phone call to tell us they wouldn't be coming they just completely stiffed. Family of 4 at $140 per person. Yeah, I was pissed. My mom doesn't get why I refuse to go to any functions this family throws. At least I'm nice enough to say I'm not coming instead of saying yes and then not going.
RSVPing is the hardest thing to organize. I don't think these people realize that you have to give your venue a final head count BEFORE the event. What I don't get is...okay maybe your single friends don't know how it works because they've never done it but what about the ones that are married?! Don't they remember the stress they went thru!?
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