{my foot. at the pool}
Even though I failed my personal goals, the staycation was fabulous! Rarely do Flo and I get one day off together, yet alone two days in a row. So we did what we do really well and that is drive out to Lake Las Vegas and spend the weekend at Loew’s Resort. Since July of ’08 it has become our haven. Our getaway. Our home tropical vacation right in our own backyard. It is one of the two places in Las Vegas where you can go and truly feel like you are not in Vegas anymore. Friday after work, I fought afternoon commuter traffic and headed out to our haven. We have a favorite floor on which we like to stay; we now have a favorite room on that floor. Open air patio. Room service. I could get used to that. Being away without being too far away was relaxing, detoxing and just plain old good time fun!
{the view from loew's}

On Easter Sunday, Flo and I volunteered for the JDRF’s Easter egg hunt! It was insanity at it’s finest, but a complaint would only devalue the importance of the event. Entry was $3 per child aged 0-10, the JDRF was able to keep $1.50 of each entry fee. The JDRF earned about $2,800 from this four hour event! Thanks to everyone who turned out on that beautiful day and thank you for getting us $2,800 closer to a cure.
Ok, yes, this is a wedding blog, not a “this is what I did this past weekend” blog…” Loew’s has amazing wedding facilities and if you are in the market for a venue to knock the dancing shows off of your guests, you may just want to check it out. For how much we adore the place, it is a shame we aren’t getting married there! Not that my current venues won’t or don’t work… but I can’t help but still fantasize about it. Is it awful to change your venues? Or want to change your venues? When guests come to Las Vegas, do they want to be on The Strip? Close to the action? Is it awful to have your wedding on the outskirts of Vegas? Kind of like the itch on your back that you just can’t reach? Almost. Got. It. Right. There. D’oh. I feel like this location is perfect marriage between Vegas and Heaven. Flo and I need to research this a little more in depth since it is a place that actually means something to us. Caesars means something to me, not us, but it is gorgeous also. Conundrum #1.
If you need any information on Loew’s or Lake Las Vegas, reach out to me and I will be happy to pass it along!
Back to planning… here is my conundrum #2: Is it too early to plan anything?? We are 53 weeks + 1 day away from the “BIG DAY” and for some reason, I just can’t get into planning. I am doing more than my share of researching, browsing, right clicking and saving images, but I can’t bring myself to meet a vendor or make a decision. Matter of fact, I still look at paint swatches and wonder if my color palette is settled yet. I know that time flies- believe me, as I just woke up one day and poof! I was 31 and engaged! I digress… In six short weeks, my next “vacation” is here and by the time I return from that we will be about 10 months out from the wedding. That feels like the perfect time to actually begin planning.
Lately, I’ve noticed that most engagements are ranging from 6-11 months. Flo and I are going to hit almost 17. Sounds like an eternity these days but enjoying the engagement has actually been quite memorable. No rush, no stress, enough time to save money and wow, look, we are already 53 weeks + 1 day away from our anniversary to be. Our “Minus One”, is what I am calling it. When your engagement is less than one year away, you don’t get to celebrate and enjoy the day that will one day be your wedding anniversary. So this year, on April 24th, we are going to clink glasses and says cheers to the Mr. & Mrs. Flo-To-Be. It’s actually my Mystery Date month… what shall I plan for us…..
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