Normally, when I get out of her chair, I am transformed into a fabulous, fierce beauty who loves to frolic, stare at myself and then take the self portrait in the car and send to everyone I know because I can hardly contain my excitement for my new style. This time, we just trimmed and cleaned up my hair. I am in a wedding in just a few short weeks (soo excited!!!) and want that hair to be style-able for someone who does not know my hair at all, so we didn’t go nuts. And there is only 11 months left until my stylist needs to create fabulosity on top of my head. If the average person’s hair goes ½ inch per month, I should be about 5 inches longer than where it is now. I vow to get trims every three months between now and the wedding date so my hair should probably be about three inches longer when all is said and done. Works for me.
My stylist knows me very well. She is the only person to touch my locks in years. I don’t need to show her photos of what I want. We sit. We talk. She tells me in all honestly what will and will not work. And then she shows me how to do it in several different ways. She is amazing. (here we are on my 30th birthday) And I love her. She is also a very, very dear friend to me. Allow me to introduce you to Andeen. For the wedding, I may or may not take photos to her, I almost feel as if I am offending her as both a friend and stylist if I do. We already talked dress styles and have a few fabulous ideas in mind. She understands my current obsession with sticking a feather in my hair and calling Bridalroni. I am obsessed with flowers and feathers. And the birdcage veil, but have convinced myself that I can not quite pull it off.
So I leave you with a few photos of my new loves…..

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