::::::::::A follow up to this post.::::::::::
This will kept light, short and sweet. We had our venue walk through on Tuesday. Is it a bad sign that I was nervous? Nervous to walk into a venue that we’ve booked and are paying for? It wasn’t like we are sneaking into an Art Museum after hours, right???
Long story short…. Everything went well until we overstayed our welcome. I just personally feel like if you need something to do something unfavorable, there is a right way and a wrong way to address it. For example, if the room was being used for something else and we were still in there (after being told “psh, take your time”), instead of “If you need more time, you will have to book another appointment. We thought you were only going to be here for a few minutes” … Why not try, “Nearlywed, if you guys need more time to work on your details, would you like to use the couch in the foyer? We have to turn the room over for another event. Thank you”. Just my opinion.
When I was a wedding coordinator at Caesars Palace, I dealt with this all of time. Often, a couple who just booked a wedding or hot & tired tourists would use our chapels for a place of rest or planning. My line was, “Hi- we have a wedding starting in about 10 minutes [this is usually where people get the message and just get up and leave anyway] so I need to ask that you allow for their guests to come in. If you’d like, there are chairs in the office/hallway, etc.”
I totally understand that our venue is an active adult community, not an event venue, and that their residents are priority #1. Totally get that. My problem is how they interact with clients. Hopefully this uneasy feeling wears off…. Right now, I’m having awful thoughts and visions about the reception. Gawd, is this being Bridezilla-y?? Am I really becoming that bride? Or is there a difference between demanding that people cater to you and expecting to be treated a certain way, as a client???
On an unrelated note, my mom met M-Zilla at our GNO over the weekend.
Here is a pic of us all together- My face is rather large, isn't it?

Great Picture-and NO your head does not look large.
I'd have to say, after watching wedding shows all of the time, that the venue may very well have been feeling the pressure from the wedding planner of the wedding about to undergo it's tide. Obviously, wedding planners can be a bit pushy with venues and vendors as they are feeling the wrath of their "client" (Bridezilla herself!)
No, I don't believe that any case is a scenario to lose your cool when working in a professional environment and with a client; however, I can imagine the stress that all parties involved might feel over organizing and catering to wedding clients as these events are considered the "most special day in one's life" to THE Bridezilla. In most cases, she never ceases to let everyone know it too, assuring that all goes as planned and as perfect! lol.
Girlfriend, I think you need to take a deep breath, push on with a smile, don't lose the focus. You need to be happy and not have stress build up when your special day finally arrives. Brides tend to get pretty darn crazy the day of and we can't have YOU fall privy to the Zilla syndrome. Best of luck.
you look beautiful!! ann
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