1. I HATE, despise, would rather pour lemon juice in paper cuts than be around feet. I am sooo anti-foot it is bizarre.
2. I hate my feet too. Their size and shape. They are a secent size for my height by they are wide. And my arch can reach the moon, it is that high.
Having a to the moon and back arch means that I have to put lots of stuff into my shoes to make them comfy. They need arch supports, padding on teh ball of my foot and usually a good heel wrap also. There can be no cute shots of the inside of my wedding shoes because they will be a mangled mess.
Anyway, the shoes that I settled on:
Liz Rene Couture, Giselle.
Here is how the shoe arrival unfolded:

Those are so gorgeous!
Beautiful!... only that it leaves me wondering how long I would be able to endure wearing heels with that height. :-D
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