Welcome to my party...so far it's a party of two.


Most girls already know who will serve in their bridal party long before they get engaged. When they do get engaged, the first thing that happens is the bride-to-be will ask her bridal party. I’ve been engaged almost two months now… not one person has been asked. Why? Because I have NO clue who to ask. Not that I don’t want to ask people or have no one to ask, but being in a wedding is a commitment and knowing myself, commitment is a pertinent word for it. I am indecisive, spontaneous and a little out there once in a while. Remember…event planner by day I am. Planning an event for me and Flo is going to be the ultimate. Have you ever been to one of my birthday parties???

This coming June, I will be in my first wedding EVER. How does one girl make it to 31 before ever being in a wedding?? Call me lucky I guess. Admittedly, I am quite stoked about it, especially with it being my first ever. The experience has been quite easy too—I am over 2,000 miles away from the bride and can’t do too much to help. It will be that way for me also, as most of my party is going to be from out of town.

What I am lacking as a bride, when it comes to bridal party, Flo is making up for and then some. His party is already solidified. He is just waiting for my green light to make the calls. My thought process is that we should at least have a date and a location set? Possibly put down a deposit to really make it official?? Flo is cool with that…but ready to get the ball rolling.

Me…well….the decision will be made soon. Flo comes from a family of three boys, where I am two girls. His was born into an automatic wedding party plus throw in a friend or three and he is all set. I was born into a possible maid of honor, if she wants to deal with being one! This won’t be her first, but hopefully the last for rockin’ out in a dress that will one day just collect dust. Can’t even promise that the dress can be “worn again”.

The goal is for me to begin asking next month. I decided to ask my party with a fun little gift as opposed to a phone call, text or coffee. My fabulous friend, Dallisa, of Sugar and Spice Cards (
www.sugarandspicecards.com) has been recruited to design and create something for me to mark the occassion. For the time being, it has to remain a secret…. Well also because I don’t quite know what she is making either…. We will all find out together, sort of. Photos will be posted of the gifts after I receive them. In the meantime, visit her site, she makes the greeting cards by hand, they are quite fabulous!!


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