Weekend of Nothings....


Friday nite didn't start out with high hopes for the weekend.... but it sure didn't turn out as I had imagined. Friday nite was supposed to be birthday celebration with friends. Saturday AM was supposed to be blogging and skyping with LED and afternoon was supposed to be gambling with Mil, dinner with Bell on Saturday, Sunday lunch with Burg. Here is what really happened: Friday nite date nite with Flo, we used a gift certificate from my birthday. Dinner turn out to be $20, sweet.

Saturday, work up at my usual 6 am, sent a few texts and fell back asleep only to wake up to a message from Bell to take her kid to get her hair done, as she was in the ER!! WHAT?!? Turns out, it wasn't major and all is well....but instead of gambling, I went to the ER to make sure that she got home OK. I am a good friend. Hurried home, put on some make up and took Mil to go gamble with friends, since I had to crap out on gambling. Then hurried back to the other side of town to go with Bell, Kid and Date to pre-Sadie Hawkins dinner. Thank goodness for wine.

Sunday: Church with Flo and Mil, then some fabulous Dim Sum. So stuffed. Blood glucose is running high this weekend but I think that it is from the rush of yesterday. Then onto a brief nap...not so good movie and holy moly it is almost 7:30 pm....already!

It was actually a fine weekend... everyone is happy and healthy.

Tomorrow, I pick up my BM asking gifts! Yay! I can't wait to post a picture of them and get some real blogs going.

To all...have a safe and restful evening. Cheers!


Anonymous said...

You are a WONDERFUL friend. Never doubt that I am extremely grateful for all you are and all you do. Lurvity Lurve.

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