.jackpot part 1.


In light of my recent negative posts, I decided to pay homage to those I love, those who love me and show you how lucky of a girl I truly am. This is a new segment called “JACKPOT”. Originally, it was thought to be a weekly segment on the same day at the same time. Well it isn’t like anyone hits the jackpot at the casino at the same time on the same day. So the JACKPOT posts will be random. Check back often.

First, I am going to start with my sister. She is my maid of honor. Aside from being in my life since the day I was born, she is responsible for my creative and unique name. If you know what my name really is you will know that is said with sarcasm.

When she was seven months pregnant with my beautiful niece (although we didn’t know it was a girl until she was born), she walked all over NYC with me to go dress shopping. Not sunny, happy NYC, but cold, 40* with wet snow and bone chilling winds NYC. She never once complained, slowed down or asked to stop. She helped dress me, watched each dress become bustled, each veil become secured, etc. She rocks. Period. New Line.

When it comes to the weddings he agreed to be MOH, a title she never wanted because of the amount of work that goes into it. And especially my wedding. However, she is planning and coordinating with grace and diligence.

And that is my fabu sister, S-Zilla


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